We repackage and reuse content to mislead customers, convincing people to spend the money they don't have on things they don't want, all with the specific goal of earning revenue and profit. Nowadays, reputation is one of the most valuable marketing assets a brand or company can have. However, too many marketers and business owners are still in the mindset of “managing our reputation”, meaning we only do it if problems arise. The problem is that marketing—imagining, creating and framing the messages that are disseminated to the world—involves a great deal of responsibility.
Marketing companies know that search engine optimization works and they know that it will help a company if they simply do it. Small and local businesses need more marketing than medium and large companies, even if they don't even know it. The controversy has raised expectations among patients and doctors that pharmaceutical companies should disclose more detailed clinical trial results and analyses, as well as market experience once drugs have received regulatory approval. If coverage exceeds the awareness threshold, but most stories are negative, the company will not benefit from individual positive stories and bad news will strengthen its negative reputation.
The marketing company accepts customers with a lower budget who can't compete, doesn't get any results and ends up with an annoying customer and a bad reputation. Behind all these deceptions are messages carefully crafted by marketing professionals, who have the opportunity to get to know each other better and who, instead, have made the decision to manipulate their audiences for their own personal and corporate gain. And many of those people who can work fluently on both sides of the brain choose to perform other roles that have more influence (and tend to make more money). I've met many outstanding marketers who are making their way in information technology, project management, or corporate strategy, which has deprived many marketing teams with the skill and intuition that could help improve their work and impact.
Investor relations (with varying degrees of participation from the CFO and CEO) attempts to determine and influence the expectations of analysts and investors; marketing surveys customers; advertising buys ads that shape expectations; HR surveys employees; corporate communications monitor the media and transmit company messages; Corporate Social Responsibility interacts with NGOs; and the Department of Corporate Affairs oversees new and pending laws and regulations. So what's going on? Marketing companies know that paid advertising can work and can have the potential for immediate results. I have discovered that these myths are categorically false throughout my career working with marketing teams of all sizes and in numerous industries. Because the market believes that these companies will generate sustained profits and future growth, they have higher price-benefit multiples and market values and lower capital costs.